Purpose Test of RFC module FITP_WEB_PLAN_COPY Prerequisites Create a travel plan with transaction TP01. The output of this program depends on whether you want to book thesegments of the trip or leave them open. When you call up the program, you enter the personnel number, the tripnumber, and the new travel date. Features The FM FITP_WEB_PLAN_COPY copies the travel plan. If there are bookedsegments in the plan being copied from, they are copied into the newplan as PRERESERVED (flight) or REQUESTED (hotel/rental car). That is,they are not yet booked. If a segment cannot be preserved, it is copied into the new travel planwith the status "open". The result is displayed with FM FITP_WEB_ITINERARY_DISP_HTML. Selection RFC destination: NONE = current system. Personnel number: The plan can only be copied for the same personnelnumber as the plan being copied from. Trip number: Trip number to be copied (the trip number of the new tripcannot be specified) New trip date: Starting date of the new trip |