Purpose Test of the following RFC modules for the HRS functionality: 1. FITP_WEB_HOTEL_AVAIL_PBO> 2. FITP_WEB_HOTEL_HRS_AVAIL> 3. FITP_WEB_HOTEL_HRS_BOOK> 4. FITP_WEB_HOTEL_HRS_DETAILS> 5. FITP_WEB_HOTEL_HRS_EX> 6. FITP_WEB_PLAN_BOOK_AND_SAVE> 6. >FITP_WEB_PLAN_GET (integrated as normal FM in 3 and 6) ,,Features The selection screen offers the choice between location search (locationand possibly country key) and address search. An address search is onlypossible when the location field of the location search is empty. When the report is executed, RFC modules 1 and 2 are called and the listof available hotels in HRS is displayed in an ALV list. The upper partof the screen also shows the hotel header (l_hotel_header structure) andpossibly the event dates at the location (lt_events table). The following actions can be executed from this list: Clicking on an entry in column 1 (line number) calls RFC module 3 (HRShotel booking). The generated item (table it_item_service ) is displayed(status reserved). Clicking on an entry in column 2 (hotel number) calls RFC module 4 (HRShotel details). The details for the hotel in HRS are displayed in a newALV list (table lt_hotel_details). From this list you can click on theGroup ID column to see a description of the detail groups (tablelt_hotel_detail_groups) in ALV. Clicking on an existing X entry in column 3 External Hotel calls RFCmodule 5 (call data of third-party provider hotels via HRS). Theoriginal list of available hotels is displayed again, this timeincluding the data of the external hotels (such as prices). Clicking on an entry in column 5 Name displays the URLs to hotel imagescalled by RFC module 2 in a new ALV list. Clicking on an entry in the Price column displays the price details ofall hotels called by RFC module 2 in a new ALV list. |