SAP Program RFTP_TABLE_UPLOAD - Upload Report for Travel Planning Customizing Tables

Upload Customizing Tables for Travel Planning from a File

This upload enables you to import current travel planning control data,provided for you in the SAP Service Marketplace by SAP AG, from a fileinto the SAP system.
SAP AG cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions in thedata. Customers are responsible for processing and maintainingenterprise-specific data.
Customers can import the control data, supplied as files, into testclients for their SAP system (or into their test system) themselves.This action must be completed for each table individually.
Updated tables can be copied into other clients or added to a transportobject using transaction TPCP (Customizing Travel Planning: Copy/Delete/Display).
You can use maintenance views to quickly adapt some of the tables toyour requirements, such as the IATA locations with V_TA21L andV_TA21L_1.

You have downloaded the appropriate files from the SAP ServiceMarketplace and saved them as a local file on your computer (forexample, C:\PROVIDER.TXT).
You can find the current files in the SAP Service Marketplace under

"Choose the Upload Data"
This report allows you to update the following Travel PlanningCustomizing tables:

  • IATA Locations (maintenance view V_TA21L and V_TA21L_1)

  • Set "Inactive Airport" switch for IATA locations (maintenance view
  • V_TA21L_1).
    First supply the IATA location tables with data using the first option.
    • Travel Service Providers (Table TA21P) of the categories flight, hotel,
    • and rental car
      • Deutsche Bahn Train Stations NVS (Customizing tables TA22RSS/RSSY)

      • "Program Parameters"
        Radio button "Only Reconcile Custom. Tables":
        If this radio button is selected (default setting), the customizingtable will be reconciled with the data in the local file withoutremoving existing entries (such as customer-specific entries). Thismeans:
        - Table entries that are not in the local file are retained in the tableunchanged.
        - Entries that are both in the table and in the local file will beupdated from the local file
        - Entries that are in the local file but not in the table will be addedto the table
        Radio button "Rebuild Customizing Tables":
        If this radio button is selected, the entries in the customizing tablewill first be deleted and then rebuilt from the data in the local file.Since this option removes any entries you may have made in thecustomizing table, it is only recommended for eliminating datainconsistencies.
        Checkbox "Simulation":
        If you select this option (default setting) the upload of the selectedfiles will only be simulated, which means the data will not actually betransferred to the database. It is recommended that you always use thisoption for the first program run, and that you only execute an updaterun when all errors in the log have been eliminated.

        Select a customizing table.
        Start the report as a simulation by activating the test run/simulation -no database changes option.
        Execute the update run by deactivating the simulation option.
        Transport the entries for the updated customizing tables usingtransaction TPCP.