SAP Program RFTP_INFO_FLIGHTS_BY_AIRLINE - Hierarchical Overview of Flights by Airline

This report is used to evaluate the number of flights per airline.
List output is hierarchical, that is, first the number of flights perairline is shown in a ranking list. The relevant individual bookingscan be viewed interactively by clicking on 'Expand'.

Interactive functions in the list
In the expanded list of 'individual flight bookings', you can displaythe name of the relevant employee in a dialog box by clicking on thepersonnel number. The relevant travel plan can displayed by clicking onthe trip number.

The runtime of the report depends to a great extent on the selectioncriteria chosen.
The two selection group boxes 'Personal data' and 'Selection via searchhelp' support the selection of personal data.
The selection of individual bookings takes place via the selectiongroup boxes 'Travel plan variants', 'Trip framework data' and 'Flightbookings'.