Report to update table TA23HOTELS with new Addresses or Geocoordinates
This report enable you to check the geocoordinate for hotel existing intable TA23HOTELS and update the table if they change.
An option enables customers to check also in Reservation system, if theaddresses of the hotels change.
Updated table can be copied into other clients or added to a transportobject using transaction TPCP (Customizing Travel Planning: Copy/Delete/Display).
At the end the coordinates are changed if :
,,The coordinates change from (0, 0) to (x , y)
,,The coordinates not equal to 0 change to others not equal to 0 (better precision given by Location provider )
,,If the address changed ( and you select the option to check theaddress on GDS )

You have the IGS customized in your system and running. IMG (TravelManagement -> Employee Self Service -> Set up acces to IGS ).
The country where you want to check coordinate is "IGS enable".
The table TA23HOTELS has the group FITP assigned . ( use transactionse11 Menu Utilities->Assign authorization group and add theauthorization FITP to the table TA23HOTELS )

Reservation system : the reservation system ( GDS ) concerned by yourquery . by defaut Amadeus ( 1A )
Country Key: The country(ies) concerned by your query . You can usemultiple selection.
Hotel Location : The Iata location(s) concerned by your query . You canuse multiple selection.
Hotel Provider: The hotel chain(s) concerned by your query . You can usemultiple selection.
Hotel code: The hotel code(s) concerned by your query .
Check box check address on GDS . if you select this option , theprogram will check the hotel addresses on GDS system . The time spent bythe program is longer because of this.
Check box only (0,0) . if you select this option only the data wherecoordinates are initial ( longitude and latitude equal to zero ) will behandled .
Check Box Simulation . if you select this option the table will not beupdated . You will only see the list of hotels that should betheoretically changed. If you unselect this option, the table will beupdated according to the report.

The list of hotels with all the datas that are updated by the program .
As header you can see if it is simulation or a real update , and thenumber of entries that are changed , the number of entries that do notneed to be changed and the total number of entries concerned by yourquery .