SAP Program RFTBSI30 - List of Open Items for Forex Hedging

The report displays an overview of existing FI documents which matchthe selection criteria you specify. From this overview, you can branchto display individual FI documents.
The report can be started directly or it can be started from thetransaction 'Create hedge' or 'Change hedge'. In the latter case, youcan allocate one or more documents in the list to a hedge. To do this,you need to position the cursor on the relevant line or select severalcheck boxes. You allocate the document(s) to a hedge by selecting'Choose'.
From the overview generated in the normal way, i.e. by directlystarting the report, you cannot directly allocate documents to hedges.

A series of prerequisites have to be fulfilled to display documents.They include:

  • Documents are still 'open items', i.e. not yet paid or reversed.

  • Only relevant documents are shown, i.e. documents which are relevant
  • for hedging according to the table "Hedging relevance of currencies/object categories'. This means they must be posted in a'hedge-relevant' currency and, where appropriate, they must exceed the'minimum amount' for hedges.
    • If a document is already fully hedged, the check box 'also display
    • hedged documents' must be selected, otherwise the report will not findthe document.

      The documents are sorted per:

      • company code

      • currency

      • account type (customer, vendor)

      • expected payment date, i.e. cash management date (CM date)

      • fiscal year

      • document number

      • The following fields are displayed:
        • CM date, i.e. the (earliest) date on which payment is expected. This
        • date is determined using the baseline date for payment and the terms ofpayment. The payment history is also taken into account.
          • CM amount is the foreign currency amount, where appropriate, without
          • the cash discount amount, depending on the terms of payment and thepayment history
            • net date is the baseline date for payment plus the number of days in
            • the field 'net day's, i.e. the latest date on which payment is duewithout a deduction.
              • net amount is the foreign currency amount without a deduction hedged.

              • If this amount is equal to zero, the document is not hedged.

              • document no. is the FI document number

              • customer/vendor is the name and address of the payer or payee.
              • Example
                CM date CM amount Net date Net amount Hedged amount..
                10.01.1996 970,000.00 26.01.1996 1,000,000.00 0.00 ...
                10.01.1996 1,000,000.00 31.01.1996 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 ...
                The first line is a document where deduction of the cash discount isexpected. The second line shows a document which is already fullyhedged.