SAP Program RFTBSI25 - Assigned Forex Transactions

This report provides an overview of allocated forex transactionswhich match the selection criteria you specified. "Allocated forextransactions" are transactions for which a hedge has already beencreated.
From this overview, you can branch to display forex transactions orhedges.

The system must find transactions which fulfil the selection criteriayou specified. The system does not display an overview if it does notfind any corresponding transactions.
You can restrict the selection using additional options such as thecheck boxes

  • 'buy transaction currency'. Here the system only finds hedges in which
  • the transaction currency is bought and the base currency is sold.
    • 'sell transaction currency'. Here the system only finds hedges in which
    • the transaction currency is sold and the base currency is purchased.

      The transactions are sorted per:

      • company code

      • product type

      • transaction type

      • activity category

      • currency pair

      • due date

      • transaction number