Description This report gives you an overview of underlying transactions which havebeen hedged and which match your selection criteria. From this list,you can display single hedges. Precondition You have to check at least one of the object categories offered.If no matching underlying is found, no list is generated. You can restrict your selection using further options, such as'General selection parameters', 'Further selection parameters',or you can search for 'Entered/Last changed', or 'Select allocatedunderlyings'. If you choose 'Select allocated underlyings', you can restrict yourselection to a single transaction within an object category, e.g.accounting documents of a specific document number range. Since, in certain circumstances, an underlying may be allocated to morethan one hedge (in part amounts), it may make sense to use 'Furtherselection parameters' or 'Edited/Last Change' only in exceptional cases,because the system may not select all partial amounts belonging toan underlying. This could lead to incorrect total amounts or to incorrect weightedaverage rates! Output The list is sorted according to object category in the following orderif all have been selected):
- accounting documents
company code fiscal year document number
- Cash Management memo records
company code ID number
- Purchasing documents
Purchasing document number Item
- SD documents
SD document number Item One or more hedge allocations are displayed for each underlying, inaddition to a totals line.