Title Conversion Report for Data Structures of Limit Management Purpose You use this report to maintain data structures that have changed forspecific releases: a) Limit type table ATLA:
- Field SLVC (Indicator: Generate limits automatically): Default '2'
(Generate limit with check)
- Field SLSC (Update category): Default '2' (Update when generating
utilization and online)
- Field SIGTYP (Early warning control: Default '1' (via external limit)
b) Determination run log table VTBLIL:
- New key field SLI (limit utilization status): Conversion to status '1',
or even '2', depending on ATLA-SLSC c) Limits table VTBLV:
- Field DLVB (limit valid from): Limits with an initial start date are
filled with a date (-> report parameter), compare note 339592 d) Initial validity date (field VLI, various tables) for limitutilizations:
- Filled with determination date
e) Table VTBLII (limit utilization indexes):
- Initial field WLI (target currency for conversion of limit amount
utilized): Filled with the currency from the totals record
- Initial field SLP (percentage rate of risk provision): Filled with 100%