SAP Program RFTBLT06 - Administration of Generated Tables: Correction of Inconsistencies

Consistency Check and Cleanup for Generated Characteristics Tables(Limit Records) in Limit Management

If the relevant flag is set in view ATLR, limit record tables aregenerated in Limit Management for each limit type.
Inconsistencies can arise if table generation aborts, if client copiesor imports/exports contain errors, or if the postprocessing oftransport requests contains errors. You can use this report to identifyand remove these inconsistencies.
Administration table VTBLSTAB contains the assignment of theclient/limit type to the table name of the limit records.

The program checks the following:

  • Are there generated limit record tables that are not flagged in table
    • Are there limit record tables that are flagged in table VTBLSTAB but
    • for which the entry in VTBLSTAB refers to a limit type that does notexist?
      • Are there entries in VTBLSTAB that have table names, for which no
      • tables exist?

        The results of the check are displayed in the ABAP List Viewer (ALV).Inconsistencies are shown by a crossed checkbox, which suggests thatyou should delete the entry. The relation of table name to client/limittype (header item) is 1:N.

        • The tables are deleted at header level (case 1, possibly case 2)

        • The entries in VTBLSTAB are deleted at item level (case 2 and 3)
        • Features

          If you set the parameter "Include Data Record Count", the run time ofthe selection increases considerably but the program shows you whethera characteristics table is filled or not.

          You can only deselect data. You cannot select entries for which thesystem found no inconsistencies.
          If you click on the button "Perform Deletion", the activities areperformed for all selected entries.
          Translated using TRADOS memory ISBKL.