SAP Program RFTBLBI1 - Batch Input Report for Creating Limits

This program creates limits and interim limits automatically usingtransaction TBL1 (either as a batch input session or a calltransaction). It expects input files either from the application serveror from the desktop.
The relevant file structures are VTBLV0_DI (limits) and VTBLVIL_DI(interim limits) as defined in the Data Dictionary.
The program only processes the characteristic fields that are assignedto the respective limit type in Customizing (-> Displayassignments).

  • Call transaction mode

  • Input file name/path: Full path to input file on application server
    Processing mode:
    A: Display all screens
    E: Only display screens if errors occur
    N: Background processing
    Update mode:
    S: Synchronous
    A: Asynchronous
    L: Local
    Error session: Name of the session generated if errors occurred in calltransaction mode.
    User: Session user
    Keep session: If this indicator is set, the session is displayed inbatch input management even if there are no processing errors.
    Lock date: In batch input management: Do not run before lock date
    • Batch input mode: Parameters are the same
    • Further information

      • Documentation for the function module
      • TB_LIMITS_INSERT_DI (direct input)
        • RFTBLEX1 (export limits and interim limits)
        • Output
          The system displays a list with the number of limits that have beenprocessed and skipped, as well as error messages if the user hasinsufficient authorization or if the limit types are incorrect.

          At present, you cannot use batch input to change or delete limits.