SAP Program RFTBIL01 - Overview of Limit Utilizations (Single Records)

The report shows the utilizations per single transaction.
If utilizations exceed the limit, or is the risck commitment period(RCP) of the transaction is greater than the RCP of the limit, therelevant columns will be marked as follows:
Red when the internal limit has been exceeded
Yellow when the external limit has been exceeded
In addition, a street light will be displayed in the first column.
Selection options (compare F1 help for options):
Limit types (self explanatory)
Limit warning (self explanatory)
Status of utilization determinations:
Utilizations are determined both by a day-end run and online update.Utilizations receive an appropriate determination status, which can bespecified here.
Validity date: Date of utilization
Determination date: Date utilization determined
Flag for most current utilization determination: When this is set, thereport displays utilizations based on the current determination perlimit type and overrides a set determination date. Utilizations withdetermination dates in the future are not displayed.

  • Transaction display per utilization

  • Details of utilization determination

  • Details of utilization determination including NPV determination

  • Determination branches are only available as long as the flag "mostcurrent determination per limit type" is set.