SAP Program RFTBCO_TRANS_SE - Conversion Program for Correspondence Customizing for Securities

Converting Customizing Settings for Correspondence in the SecuritiesArea

Scope of Functions
Use this report program when you convert the Customizing settings forcorrespondence in the securities area from a release earlier than 4.6Ato Release 4.6A, or any later release. A fully automatic conversion isnot possible.
The report program performs the following tasks:

  • It converts the old transaction type "KAU" to the transaction type(s)
  • assigned to transaction category 100.
    • It assigns the old contract status (10, 20, or 30) to activity
    • categories 10 (order), 20 (contract), and 30 (contract settlement).
      • The correspondence type must be converted or changed if an external
      • correspondence type was used in the old Customizing settings forsecurities. The old correspondence functions for the securitiescomponent are similar to an internal correspondence type.
        You have defined "001" as the external correspondence type. You usethis correspondence type in the money market, foreign exchange orderivatives areas for confirmations, and you have also maintained thestanding instructions for correspondence. If you retained "001" as thecorrespondence type during conversion, you would in effect deactivateyour correspondence function because there are no standinginstructions.
        To avoid this, create an internal correspondence type, or take anexisting one (such as "002" for dealing slips) and then convert theexisting Customizing settings to this new correspondence type.
        • You can enter the SAPscript form when entering the selection criteria.
        • Note that you can no longer use the old correspondence forms based onF_TR_SEC_CONFIRM and the TBCO_SEC structure.
          You must set up the customer forms again on the basis of forms such asF_TR_CONFIRM_ALL and F_TR_DEALER_ALL. For more information on how to dothis, see the documentation on forms. F_TR_DEALER_ALL is set up so thatyou can use it as a template without making modifications.

          Post-conversion checks:

          • Start check report RFTBCO_CHECK00 for the converted Customizing
          • settings. The long texts for the error messages contain the informationyou need to correct the error.
            • The new Customizing settings have a control function in contrast to the
            • old procedure. For each order you create, the system checks inCustomizing to see whether the activity is relevant for correspondence,and generates a planned record in the correspondence data tableVTBKORES accordingly. From a business point of view, we do notrecommend that you include contract activities (activity category 20)and processing activities (activity category 30) in theCustomizing settings. Choose either 20 or 30.

              As of Release 4.6A, you can control the correspondence function to agreater extent using the Last function (=SFUNKTL) field. Formore information, see the F1 Help for this field in the Customizingactivity Define Correspondence Activities.