SAP Program RFTBCO_IDOC03 - Inbound IDoc FTRCON: Post-Run Update

The report enables FTRCON IDocs to be updated, if it is runperiodically in the background.


The standard variant SAP&_BATCH is merely an example of how thecreation date of the IDoc is determined dynamically by the currentdate.

IDoc counterconfirmations are received at a time when the transactionhas not been entered in the receiving system, or does not yet have theappropriate correspondence status. This leads to an error in inboundprocessing (= counterconfirmation).
As this is only a temporary problem, processing can be repeated atperiodic intervals using the existing report. In most cases, this willlead to the right result. Consequently, any remaining IDocs in errorstatus will contain "genuine" errors.
You should therefore create a job that can run in the background atperiodic intervals.