SAP Program RFTBCO20 - Correspondence Overview

Correspondence Overview

The correspondence overview enables you to access correspondence datausing variable selection criteria. Whereas all other activities in thesystem depend on the financial transaction (that is, you need to knowthe transaction number), you have the option here, for example, ofselecting all the correspondence that was generated on a certain datebetween time 1 and time 2.
You can also tailor the list output according to your requirements andstore display variants.

From the correspondence overview list you can go to the transaction orthe correspondence display. You can also define your own variants andprepare the list layout to suit your requirements.
All the functions for the correspondence overview are also available inthe correspondence monitor (report program RFTBCO20_MONITOR).
Compared with the correspondence overview, the correspondence monitoralso offers additional processing functions.

Selection tip:
If you want to select either planned records only, no planned recordsor actual records only, use the 'Execution date' selection field. Use'=' or 'Not equal to' on the initial execution date.