SAP Program RFTBCM20 - Collective Processing: References

This program gives you an overview of all references which meet theselection criteria you enter.
If you restrict your selection to individual areas (foreign exchange,money market, derivatives) or to individual transactions, the systemgenerates an overview list which displays the selected transactions foreach reference (there may be other transactions which belong to thereference).
From this overview, you can branch to the editing screen/detail screenby choosing Reference --> Change/Display/Reverse. You can add anindividual transaction to a reference or remove one. To remove atransaction, position the cursor on the relevant transaction and choose'Remove'.

You want to have an overview of all netting transactions which comprisemoney market transactions with particular partners.
For the application choose 'money market', for the reference categorychoose 'KMP' and restrict your selection to one or more partners.
You want an overview of all references which comprise one particulartransaction.
Leave the reference category blank and enter the company code and thenumber of the relevant transaction.