SAP Program RFTBARC3 - Limit Archiving: Reload Program

Reloads limits, utilizations and dependent limit management datapreviously archived and deleted.

The report program reloads the following:

  • Tables:

  • VTBLV (limits)
    VTBLVIL (interim limits)
    VTBLIL (logs for determination runs)
    VTBLIS (utilization totals)
    VTBLII (utilizations index)
    VTBLIE (single utilizations)
    VTBLID (all characteristic values for each single utilization)
    VTBLSD (global collateral)
    VTBLSI (global collateral index)
    VTBLSE (single global collateral records)
    VTBLSD (all characteristic values for each single global collateralrecord)
    In addition, combinations of characteristic values for limits (tablesgenerated dependent on the customer and for each limit type, previouslytable VTBLS. See the Release Notes for 4.63).
    • Dependent change documents
    • Integration
      The program is fully integrated with the archiving transaction SARA.The prescribed archiving object is called TRTM_LM. This combination ispreset as a parameter transaction (transaction code TBLARC). You shouldNEVER run the report as a stand-alone program outside SARA or TBLARC.In this case, the relevant data for archive management is not writtento the database. You can view archived data using the ArchiveInformation System (transaction SARI).

      The data to be reloaded was previously archived and deleted (seedocumentation for report programs RFTBARC2 andRFTBARC3).

      The system displays a list of the reloaded table objects (limits,utilizations, ...). Archived Customizing data is NOT reloaded.

      At present, it is not possible to select the data to be deleted orreloaded. The system always deletes or reloads all the archivingobjects for an archiving session. SAP therefore recommends that you runan analysis of the current database status before archiving (seeprogram RFTBARC1) using appropriate selectioncriteria (in "portions").
      Notes can NOT be reloaded.
      Archived objects cannot be reloaded under the following circumstances:

      • The Customizing settings for the limit type have changed

      • The internal key for the combination of limit characteristic values has
      • changed (this would be the case, for example, if you were to delete/reorganize all the limits for a certain partner and then create a newlimit or regenerate the utilizations). This is not taken intoconsideration for all the dependent tables during the reload, and wouldresult in database inconsistencies.
        However, you can always view the data in the Archive Information System(transaction SARI).