SAP Program RFTBAB00 - Treasury: Accrual/Deferral of Expenses and Revenues

The program makes accruals/deferrals of expenses and revenues resultingfrom Treasury deals, i.e. it allocates revenue and expenditureitems to the proper accounting periods.
The program calculates the amount to be accrued/deferred for the flowsconcerned, creates the corresponding accrual/deferral flows and, ifrequested, posts them immediately in financial accounting.
In a test run, you can log the results of the accrual/deferral programwithout actually updating or posting the accrual/deferral flows whichhave been generated.

In the accrual/deferral log, the program lists the individual flows tobe accrued/deferred, the sum total and the generated accrual/deferralflows. Any error messages are also listed.
If the accrual/deferral flows are posted immediately, the subsequentposting log contains a list of the posted flows with the correspondingdocument information and any error messages in the posting interface.
If flows have already been posted, you can branch to the relateddocument by selecting the corresponding line. You can branch to the longtext of an error message using the same method.