SAP Program RFTAXIMP - Import Tax Codes After Transport

This program is used for importing tax codes and tax percentage rates.It is called up via the function Transport -> Import whenmaintaining the tax codes.

  • The country entered is proposed and the first transport number found
  • which contains tax codes still to be imported is proposed for thiscountry.
    • If there are several transports for the same country, then you may have
    • to change the transport number manually.
      • Program RFTAXIMP generates a batch input session with the name
      • TXnnnnnnnnnn, where nnnnnnnnnn = transport number.
        • Processing this batch input session creates the tax percentage rates
        • for the imported tax codes in the corresponding country.
          • The selection of tax codes to be imported is made via country
          • selection. When you enter a country, only the corresponding code isimported. If you enter "*", all of the tax codes contained in thetransport request are imported.

            Tax codes must previously have been exported using the functionTransport -> Export.

1272271FI/LO Enhancements for Latvia
1272266FI/LO Enhancements for Estonia
1149815FTXP Transport tax code with jurisdiction code: Date missing
110970Transport of tax code/system has status ?not changeable?
840310Postprocessing of installat. of the add-on C-CEE for Ukraine
717458Postprocessing of installat. of the add-on C-CEE for Russia
630696Installation of the add-on CCIS 100_46C
333180Change tax codes Netherlands 1-1-2001 (17,5% > 19%)
616291SAP R/3 FI/LO 4.X Enhancements for Ukraine
629384SAP R/3 FI/LO 4.X Enhancements for Kazakhstan
332049Import of tax codes is incorrect
52852Transporting tax codes between systems
39232No tax percentage rates when copying client 000