SAP Program RFSRUE00 - Cashed Checks per Bank Account

This program determines the following data:

  • The average period outstanding for checks already cashed

  • The average period outstanding for checks not yet cashed

  • The number and amount total of checks currently outstanding

  • The program can be used as an alternative to determine the differencebetween the planned cash outflow and the actual cashing date. To dothis, you must select the option "Deviation from planning date".

    Using parameters, you can select the date relevant to payment. Whenselecting the value date, however, please note that the program runtime can increase since the system might have to search the offsettingentry on the bank account in order to find the actual value date for aclearing document.
    If several check debits exist for a clearing procedure and the value ordocument date of the check debit is used as the reference date, thenthe system tries to assign the check posting to the check debit bycomparing the amount and the currency. The document creation dates arealso compared (the check debit cannot lie before the check posting). Ifno assignment can be determined, the checks are ignored and they arenot included in the calculation of the period outstanding.
    The current date is taken as a basis for determining the periodoutstanding for checks not cashed yet.
    The average days outstanding are calculated in each case based onamount.

    The report allows you to analyze the outstanding period gradedaccording to amounts. Thus, the following evaluation, for example, ispossible:
    Amount,,Average period of debts outstanding
    Up to $ 5,000,,,,,,8 days
    Up to $ 10,000,,,,,,5 days
    Up to $ 50,000,,,,,,3 days
    Up to $ 100,000,,,,,,2 days
    > $ 100,000,,,,,,1 day
    The data determined this way can be used to control the payment programwhere the days are stored for each amount limit up to the value date.For the resulting value date, the cash disbursement is included in thecash position.

    A list of the respective grading levels is output. The list issubdivided according to
    Average period outstanding for cleared items
    Average period outstanding for open items
    Current outstanding debts
    At the beginning of the list, the evaluation referring to all checks(within a group) is displayed.
    At the end of the list, the average period of debts outstanding ofcashed and open checks as well as the total amount of outstandingchecks is output as an average from all bank accounts. This is ofinterest if you have selected several outgoing checks accounts.

    To clearly identify the postings as checks, outgoing checks should haveseparate planning levels and/or be managed in a separate clearingaccount.