Description Report RFSCAR01> carries out the first step for archiving balanceinterest calculation histories: Creation of an archive for balanceinterest calculation histories. Report Report RFSCAR02> carries out the second step:Deletion of balance interest calculation histories based on the archivecreated in the first step. The archiving object> is FSC_BAINT>. INCLUDE FICA_AR_SARA_AOBJ OBJECT DOKU ID TX The program tests the status of the balance interest calculationhistories selected and archives them once the life has expired. Youdefine the life of the balance interest calculation histories inCustomizing, whereby the life must not be less than thirty days. If youenter a value less than this, the system automatically corrects thevalue to thirty days. Before you can archive a balance interest calculation history, you haveto archive the interest document (DFSCIHISTIOB-IOPBEL>). |