SAP Program RFSBP_DELETE_DISPENSABLE_TBZ0 - Check and Correct BP Role/View Assignment in Target Client

To date no distinction has been made between the business meaning of arole and the technical attributes (structure of processing dialog forpartner in this role) for the SAP Business Partner. All of theseattributes were encoded in the role category (value table TBZ0).
As of SAP ECC 5.00 (SAP_APPL 500) distinctions are made between thefollowing for the SAP Business Partner:

  • Business Role (BP Role)

  • You can make settings for the corresponding value table TB003 in the IMGactivity Define BP Roles. You can set the field status for eachbusiness role and you can assign views to the BP roles in thecorresponding IMG activity.
    • Corresponding technical function (BP role category)

    • SAP provides the BP role categories (customers can enhance these). Youcan program on these directly in the application.
      • View (BP view)

      • The BP view defines how the processing dialog for the partner in thisrole is set up (structure of views, screens, and screen sequences).
        For more information, see Business Partner Role(Extended).
        The Customizing tables for BP roles, BP role categories, and BP viewsare automatically converted during the release upgrade. This means thatwhen you process a business partner, you use the same screens, views,and screen sequences for the individual roles that you used before therelease upgrade. During the upgrade the system creates a BP role (tableTB003: Define BP role) and a technical role (Table TB003A) for each rolecategory available (entry in table TBZ0). The original role category t
        hat controlled processing (table TBZ0) is now interpreted as a BP view.These entries are linked together via table TB003. This means that thenew BP roles are automatically assigned to the remaining views.
        You can use this report to transfer the delivery Customizing, which isonly transported into client 000, into other clients. This ensures thatyou use the settings for the new role concept in your clients.
        SAP also assumes that the original status of the Customizing is storedin client 000. If this is not the case, then you can use this report torestore the original Customizing. The report keeps the originalCustomizing for this purpose.
        You can correct the BP roles for your client in accordance with thedelivery Customizing or client 000 (create, change, or delete BP roles,for example) and assign the correct BP views to the BP roles.
        To transfer the settings for the new role concept, the report has to becarried out in each client used.


        • Test run

        • First, run the report program as a test run. It displays the changedrole/view assignment in the current client.
          If you want to copy the views from the delivery Customizing (client000), restart the report program and do not set the Test Runindicator. The Customizing for your client (table TB003) is changed inaccordance with the role/view assignment in the delivery customizing.
          • Delete unused BP views.

          • If you set this indicator then the views provided by SAP that becomeobsolete during the BP role conversion are deleted in table TBZ0.
            The SAP views used in accordance with the new role concept and the viewsfrom the customer namespace are not deleted.
            If you want to keep the business partner views previously used, do notset this indicator. The system does not actively use these former views.

            A log is output.
            The log shows which BP roles (table TB003) have been changed, added, ordeleted, and which BP views have been deleted from tables TB003 andTB003A.
            If you set the Delete Obsolete Views indicator, then the log alsoshows the SAP BP views that have become obsolete and deleted from tableTBZ0.