Purpose With release Banking 4.63/CFM 2.0, the Treasury Business Partner (TR-GP)is converted to the new SAP Business Partner (SAP GP-FS). Businesspartner addresses are no longer managed in table SANS1, and theBusiness Address Service (BAS)> is used instead. As of release Banking 4.63/CFM2.0, addresses will also have to beconverted in phase II of the business partner conversion. The reportprogram converts objects from the loans and real estate areas. Aparticular feature of this report is that it transfers addresses fromobsolete tables to the central addresses for the BAS.Selection The report offers the following selection options for the objectcategory:
- 50 Land registry
- 51 Business entity
- 52 Property
- 53 Building
- 54 Rental unit
- 55 Mortgage object
Object categories 50 - 54 are used exclusively by Real EstateManagement (RE)>.Activities Object category 55 mortgage object/collateral object> is the onlyobject category that is relevant for converting Loans Management(CML)>. You should not convert any of the other object categories. Ifyou accidentally convert the other object categories, this will notcause any damage, but will impair performance.