Description You can use program RFSABL00 to create a complex list of changes made toG/L account master data and sample accounts. Selection You can use the following as selection criteria: Account, change date,changed by (user name), and field group. You can also choose whether thesystem should display the changes made in the chart of accounts data orthose made in the company code data. Within these data areas, you canfurther restrict the data output by selecting by organizational form. Sort sequence There are four sorting options to choose from:
- Sort by change time
- Sort by account number
- Sort by name of the person who made changes
- Sort by field names
Technical Field Names You can also display the technical field names for each change. Output Most of the change documents are displayed on one line. Exceptions tothis are changes where the new or the old field value is longer than 35characters. Field values like this are displayed on two lines. If you select the option 'Technical field names', each change documentrequires an extra line for the display. Customizing You define field groups in the Financial Accounting configuration menu: Business volume -> Further reporting -> Display changes -> G/Lacts: fld groups>. Proceed> You assign fields to field groups by selecting Business volume -> Further reporting -> Display changes -> G/L acts: fld assgn>. Proceed>