SAP Program RFRUDOP0 - Tax Customer List (Russian Federation)

Customer List (Taxation) Russian Federation

This report program creates a customer list according to the legalrequirements regarding taxation, and provided master data and companycode data is correctly maintained. This list is required due to the"Decree for concise entry of payments not made to the national budgetdue to open receivables from customers" issued by the RussianFederation on 03.01.1994. The following are recommended fields thatshould be maintained as follows on the program selection screen:
- Selection of corresponding company code: The company code addressdata should include the tax identification number (INN) in theadditional data T001Z-SAPR01.
- The tax inspectorate should be present as a vendor master record.
- Special G/L transactions:
All transactions to be displayed in the list can be selectedseparately here.
- The exchange rate parameter enables you to display foreign currencyamounts for the corresponding exchange rates whereby the standard isthe average rate, central bank rate at key date. The key date is theday the report is created. If you do not want to choose an exchangerate, the program uses the document exchange rate.

The following information is included in the list:
1. Report date
2. Tax inspection:
- Description: LFA1-NAME1, LFA1-NAME2
- Address data: Postal code LFA1-PSTLZ, district LFA1-ORT01,
street LFA1-STRAS, telephone LFA1-TELF1.
3. Company code:
- Tax identification number T001Z-SAPR01,
- Description SADR-NAME1, SADR-NAME2,
- Address: Postal code SADR-PSTLZ, district SADR-ORT01,
street SADR-STRAS, telephone number LFA1-TELF1
4. Person carrying out program
- Surname, first name, telephone number as per user data
5. Firm-customers listed:
- Bank data:
Bank account number KNBK-BANKN,
Bank name BNKA-BANKA,
Postal code, district BNKA-ORT01,
Street, house number, telephone number BNKA-STRAS
Bank number BNKA-BNKLZ (higher priority) or BNKA-BANKL
Correspondence account KNBK-BKREF (higher priority) or BNKA-BRNCH
One-time account customers are listed together and not individually.Receivables and overdue receivables are posted taking into accountpayment conditions and foreign currency translation.