SAP Program RFREMMBUDGET - Annual Budget

This transaction is used for maintaining the overall annual budget ofthe condominium owners' association.
You can plan the expected costs and revenues of the condominium owners'association by settlement unit and cost element. You also have theoption of adopting the actual costs from prior periods, whereby you canchoose to increase them by a given percentage.
Settlement units have to be created before you can use this report. Costcollectors must also be generated first for the time periods you want toplan.
You enter the cost elements allowed for the annual budget in the Specify Cost Elements to Be Planned forAnnual Budget IMG activity. You can further limit these cost elementson the initial screen. Your selections in the Cost Element andCost Element Group fields are considered together.

  • You enter a cost element group and also enter an individual value or a
  • range of values in the Cost Element fields.
    Result: In the annual budget, the cost elements you selected in theCost Element fields are offered in addition to the cost elementsin the cost element group, as long as they were entered as cost elementsallowed for the annual budget in Customizing.
    • You enter a cost element group and, at the same time, exclude certain
    • cost elements from the selection.
      Result: The excluded cost elements are removed from the cost elementgroup. The remaining cost elements are compared to those entered inCustomizing, and the system uses those cost elements that appear in bothplaces (the intersection of the two sets).
      The overall annual budget is the basis for the calculation of the sharesof the individual condominium owners. This calculation in turn is usedin making the assessment adjustment (using the Assessment Adjustment Based on Annual Budget transaction).