Purpose It is possible to activate bank account transfers between two housebank accounts where the company codes that manage the accounts arelocated in different countries or have a different local currency. Infinancial accounting a cross-company code transaction is posted thatmaps the cash flow. This report gives a list of the cross-company code transactions or elsedetails where errors have occurred that prevented posting of thecross-company code transaction. Once the errors have been cleared(Customizing) you can use the report to then post the cross-companycode transaction. Integration Posting cross-company code transactions for cross-country bank accounttransfers is carried out direct by the payment program for paymentrequests (F111). In the payment run status display the number ofpostings from cross-country bank account transfers is detailed. Thereport can be scheduled as a list with the payment program to enableyou to log these cross-company code transactions. Prerequisites For each company code you need to define a clearing account for paymentrequests (unless already done in Treasury Management). To do this execute the following activity in the Implementation Guidefor Bank Accounting>: Define clearing accounts for cross-countrybank account transfers>>. |