Description The report displays the payables> which were entered inpreliminary posting and, on request, creates documents per batch inputso that the payables can flow into the balance sheet.Precondition The selected documents>> are then only taken intoconsideration if there are vendor items in the documents. To be able to carry out postings, twoG/L_accounts>> are created: The account for the payables from preliminary posting to be postedtogether (balance sheet account without tax relevance and withoutrequired fields in the field status group) and the correspondingclearing account must be created. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed>. ENDIF. RESET N1Output The totals sheet> displays the accumulated payables per companycode and currency. You can request a line item list> if required. Line item datasuch as line item, amount,, etc. is listed in addition to documentheader data such as document number and document date etc. If the document is posted in foreign currency, then the amounts inforeign currency are displayed separately. If batch input> was required, then documents are created percompany code in local currency using this totals sheet.Example Documents which lead to the following values in the totals sheet wereselected: Payable 400,00- The following document is created: Itm,,PK,,Account ,,Amount in LC> 001,,50,,Preliminary posted payables ,,400,00 002,,40,,Preliminary posted payables clearing,,400,00 This document is reversed again on the given reversal date so that theoriginal account balance for the accounts posted to results again onthe reversal date. |