Purpose The report RFORBIANPR00 createspayment requests> forpayment of Primary Orbian Credits (POCs) to Orbian. The payment programfor payment requests (transaction F111) uses these requests to createpayments.Prerequisites
- You have created your Orbian Reserve Accounts for the house bank
Orbian. To do this, proceed as follows in Customizing for FinancialAccounting: Bank Accounting -> Bank Accounts ->Define House Banks>>.
- In table T012o, you have created the Orbian bank details for each of
your Orbian Reserve Accounts.Features Selection Specify at least one company code, one account ID for the house bankOrbian, one account ID for the Orbian Reserve Account, and choose thedue period for the POCs to be paid. Output
- If you select the field Preview>, the POCs selected for the
Orbian Reserve Accounts that you specified are displayed. This providesyou with an overview of the amount to be paid.
- If you select the field Post payment requests>, the program
creates a payment request for each item in the Orbian Reserve Account.These are displayed in a list. The report marks each item for which it has created a payment request.This prevents a new payment request being created for an item, and theitem thus being paid again. The indicator consists of "PR=" followed bythe number of the payment request and is stored in reference field 3(XREF3) of the POC item.