Title Convert Tables FMZUGR, FMZUOB, and FMZUKA into New Tables (FMDERIVE001 ,..., FMDERIVE009). Purpose This XPRA is used to convert old FM account assignment objects fromTables FMZUKA, FMZUOB, and FMZUGR into new derivation tool tablesFMDERIVE001, FMDERIVE002, FMDERIVE003... FMDERIVE009. Integration Starting with Release IS-PS 4.62, the FM Object Assignment to CO objectswill use the FM Derivation Tool. This means that previous groupassignments are no longer supported and were converted into rangeassignments. The year in the assignment was also converted into dateusing the first day of the first period of the year. The year 1950 wasused instead of 0000 for year-independent assignments. The objects that were created online (network header, network activity,SD order, and PM order) will continue to be stored in the table FMZUOBand therefore not converted to the new tables. FM assignments to CO Orders, WBS Element, and Profit Centers wereconverted into the FM Derivation Tool without using the ControllingArea. The existing CO-FM assignments were converted using the followingpredefined rules: CO Object,,Predefined Rule,,New Table,,Old Tables Cost Element,,rule 03,,FMDERIVE001,,FMZUKA/FMZUGR Cost Center + Cost element,,rule 09,,FMDERIVE002,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR Cost Center,,rule 10,,FMDERIVE003,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR Standard Order + Cost Element,,rule 14,,FMDERIVE004,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR Standard Order,,rule 15,,FMDERIVE005,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR WBS Element + Cost Element,,rule 19,,FMDERIVE006,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR WBS Element,,rule 20,,FMDERIVE007,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR Profit Center + Cost Element,,rule 27,,FMDERIVE008,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR Profit Center,,rule 28,,FMDERIVE009,,FMZUOB/FMZUGR Prerequisites Tables FMDERIVE001, FMDERIVE002, FMDERIVE003, FMDERIVE004, FMDERIVE005,FMDERIVE006, FMDERIVE007, FMDERIVE008, and FMDERIVE009 must be emptybefore the XPRA is executed. |