Purpose Selection
This is used to define sets of accounts that represent 224 balancetypes. It also allows you to choose whether the Appropriation Symbolreflects the Application of Funds name or Application of Funds code. Here, you can limit the selection to specific organizational and timedimensions and also manage electronic output. The Company Code and LastPosting Date of Period or Fiscal Year and Period, are required fields.The addition of specific Agency Location Codes as selection parametersis also recommended. Output |
1016700 | First prior-month amount after 10 months missing in SF-224 |
944503 | Addition of TAS Suffix in SF-224: Improper line item display |
648482 | Export of SF-224 Details data to local file |
661722 | Importing add-on Support Package 07 for IS-PSADIN 10A |
655893 | Blank or zero-amount Treasury Fund Symbols in report SF-224 |
640395 | Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224 |
617084 | Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224 |
617513 | Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224 |
616039 | Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224 |
608175 | Corrections to advanced delivery report SF-224 |
564497 | Correction to advance delivery note 560807 |
560807 | Corrections to advanced delivery of report SF-224 |
568374 | Subclasses in report SF-224 Statement of transactions |
565125 | Net Totals Section II shows incorrect sign. |