Title Trial Balance Report with FACTS I Attributes Purpose This report displays the trial balance data showing attributes that arerelevant to FACTS I. Features The report uses the ABAP List Viewer (ALV). This allows you to choose,change, and save display variants. Fields may be hidden, moved around,and resized. Data can be sorted, summarized, and filtered. Selection The selection screen contains the following fields:
- Fiscal year
- Company code
- Main Account
- Up to Period
Period is a mandatory field. The rest are optional. However, to reducethe size of the result set, you should enter as many selection criteriaas possible.Output The output of this report is trial balance data showing attributesrelevant to FACTS I. Once you have the data in the desired format, youcan print and/or export the data to a text file. Activities Use transaction RFACTS1_BL to start this report.