SAP Program RFMUSFG_EXCLUDE_INVOICE - Exclude Items from PPA Calculations

You can use this report to assign the exclude flag to invoice documentsthat have not been cleared.

You can set the exclude flag at the header level when the invoice iscreated.


  • You are a US Federal customer.

  • The Prompt Payment Act (PPA) function is active for your company code.
  • Selection

    Document Selection
    The company code is a required field on the selection screen. Inaddition, you can restrict the selection further by:

    • Fiscal year

    • Document number

    • Vendor

    • Document type
    • Further Selection

      • Check the box "Retrieve Previously Excluded Documents Only" to have the
      • resulting list show only those documents that are already marked forexclusion.
        • Check the box "Apply Exclude Flag to Documents" to mark the exclude flag
        • for all documents on the ALV grid.

          The output is an ALV grid.
          You can enter and save the exclude flag, and you can display therelevant document by double-clicking the document number.