SAP Program RFMMDSUB_COPY - Copy master data substrings

This program copies the substrings of one subdivision ID to anothersubdivision ID having the same definition.

In order to copy substrings, there are two prerequisites:
You must have created the target subdivision ID in the activityCreate and Define Subdivision ID. This isthe subdivision ID under which the substring is going to be copied. Thistarget subdivision ID definition must be identical with the sourcesubdivision ID definition, from which the substring values are going tobe copied.
Please note that it is not possible to copy substring values tosubstrings having different lengths, so that, for example, you cannotcopy substring values of 3 characters into a new substring defined witha 4-character length.
You must have activated the subdivision of master data in theCustomizing of Funds Management in the activityActivate Subdivision.

Enter the source subdivision ID and the target subdivision ID.
You can choose which substring you want to copy. For example, if youselect substring 1 and 3, all values belonging to them will be copied.
If implemented and activated, the BAdI CheckSubstring Values performs the checks on the substring values to becopied.
At the end the results of the copying process are shown, as well as theinformation messages issued during the process.
You can run the report in test mode, in order to see exactly what willbe copied before you actually do it.
You can run the report to see only the errors that occurred during thecopying process, not displaying the substrings properly copied. Anyerror message issued by the BAdI is included.