SAP Program RFMFGRCN_RP2 - Reconciliation Rules Check

Use this program to do the following:

  • Evaluate rules using the default breakdown fields defined for the rule,
  • and determine whether any nodes are out of balance.
    • If a rule is not in balance, send a SAPOffice mail notification to the
    • user specified for the rule.
      • If desired, store the rule evaluation results for subsequent analysis
      • of any reconciliation problems.

        You need to have created the rule ID/IDs you want to evaluate.

        You specify the following:

        • In the Rule Selection section, enter the ID/IDs of the rule or
        • range of rules you want to analyze.
          • In the Save Out of Balance Results for Later Analysis section,
          • indicate:
            Whether out of balance results are to be stored
            If so, for how long and the maximum number of report nodes to be stored
            • In the Data Selection section, stipulate:

            • The FM area(s), company code(s), and fund(s) whose data you want toanalyze
              The time limits to be applied. We recommend that you choose the Upto Last Closed Period option. Press Enter to determine which periodthis is, and enter the company code and account type in question.
              However, you can specify a period or range of periods. Be aware,though, that this might cover a period that is still open - that is,where postings are still being made.

              The resulting analysis shows the balances that do not match and thosethat do (indicated by =) unless you configured the rule so that onlythe unmatched data is displayed.