Title Generating Inbound Correspondences in Contract Object Purpose This program generatesInbound Correspondences>for a specified time period and for a specific combination of businesspartner, contract account and contract objects.Integration Prerequisites As release 4.63 does not have its own authorization object forgenerating inbound correspondences, when you execute this program, thesystem checks whether the user has authorization to execute mass runP004 (Generating Inbound Correspondences). Features In contrast to the mass run, with this program you generate inboundcorrespondences specific for the triple business partner, contractaccount and contract object. You start the program in the processing mode for master data objectsContract Object> from thetab page Inbound Corresp. >. You do this by calling up thedialogue window Process Inbound Correspondences> using theInbound Corresp. > button and then choosing the New>button.Selection You can generate inbound correspondences for a definableReference Time Period>. You can assign any issue date you want to the inbound correspondences,however the current date will be suggested.Output Once you have generated inbound correspondences you reach theGenerated Inbound Correspondences for Reference Period> screen.Here you see a list of inbound correspondences according to your chosenparameter settings. When you save the inbound correspondences they aresaved in the correspondence history (database table).Activities Define the reference time period and issue date and then execute theprogram. Save the inbound correspondences you have generated. |