Purpose Integration
Prerequisites Features The number of each type of item is displayed in the results log (1stblock). The ratio of actual items to actual documents (among otherinformation) helps provide initial information about the amount ofclustering. The ideal ratio is 1:1, that is, each actual document hasexactly one actual item. In the second step, the program considers further only those actualitems with a document that contains a cleared item (that is, neither anactual item nor an info item). The program collects the clearing points(account, clearing amount, and date) in these documents. For each clearing point, the program gets the cleared items. Then theoffsetting line items (in the given documents) are classified asexplained above. This appears in the second block of the results log. For the assessment, it can be viewed as positive if there is arelatively large number of clearing points, and only a small number ofactual items appearing for the first time. Both of these indicate thatclusters are probably small. If only a few cleared line items remain,this is also good (short chains). If a large number of cleared itemsremain here, then the ability of this report to provide helpfulinformation is limited, since the next steps of the program are notperformed. Last, the log shows statistics on the number of actual documents orclearing points that contain more than one actual line item. Suchactual documents and clearing points, with the exception of actualtransfer postings, are likely to cause problems during retrieval ofinformation. |
623255 | Liquidity calculation: Enhancements in plug-in 2003.1 |