SAP Program RFLBOXIN - Report Reference for Generating Test Data for Lockbox BAI Format

This program generates test data for demonstration and testing purposesin program RFLBOX00. It is used for the standard BAI format.


  • Basic knowledge of ABAP/4 and knowledge of BAI data exchange formats to
  • prepare the test data.
    • Program RFLBOX00 is only suitable for creating test data that has a
    • 10-digit document number in BAI format.
      • The "LOCKBOX" "BAI" key must be entered in the autocash control
      • parameters in Financial Accounting configuration, so that the programcan access the directory in which the system is to store the test datafile.
        IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

        Formatting the test data
        The program contains reference records in BAI format, which you mustformat. First, a sequence of records must be set up according to therules of the BAI format. The reference records are copied into theGENERATE_TEST_DATA form routine. Every record in the form routine mustbe filled with valid test data. You may only change lines preceeded bya line with ******. When starting the program, you must specify thename of the test data file. When you run RFLBOX00, this file name mustbe used again.