1099 MISC TAX REPORT LISTING Description This report generates different listings depending on the selection: Federal Tax Reporting
- 'Detail Listing of Federal Taxable Amounts' shows both open and cleared
documents of an '1099' account which is taxable (withholding taxindicator / amount type between 00 and 11). Only cleared documents aretaxable. In order to get this report 'Detail Listing by Document' hasalso to be selected. This report can be used to reconcile the 1099Form/tape output, generated by RFKQSU30.
- 'Summary of Federal Tax Reporting by Account' lists the taxable amounts
by account corresponding to the output of 1099 Form/tape (record type-B) reporting.
- 'Summary of Federal Tax Reporting by 1099 Category' shows the total
taxable amounts by 1099 category corresponding to the output of 1099tape reporting's record type A and C.
- 'Federal Non-Taxable Amount (1099-MISC)' lists all 1099 accounts, which
have cleared documents during the year and their total paid amounts arebelow the minimum taxable amount.State Tax Reporting