SAP Program RFKQST50 - Withholding Tax Report to the Italian Tax Office

This program applies to Italy only.
Program RFKQST50 runs evaluations on sales that are subject towithholding tax, for the purposes of preparing the report required bythe tax office. Also included in the evaluation are sales normallysubject to withholding tax but which are exempt from this tax and salesfor which a withholding tax rate of zero percent has been configured inthe system. The latter case is particularly relevant for sales thatmerely have to be reported to the tax authorities, without any taxactually being withheld and passed on to the authorities. To this end,the amount of withholding tax that appears in the report for such casesis zero. Sales-relevant transactions that are subject to withholdingtax include:
o Vendor invoices
o Down payments to vendors
o Credit memos from vendors
If you specify the G/L account to which the (manually posted) Enarscowithholding tax is to be posted, the list generated by this programalso includes those items for which a G/L account has been specified.

In order to be able to run any withholding tax evaluations at all, youmust maintain field BSEG-XUMSW in your system.
For the evaluations to be at all useful, you must ensure that theintervals specified in the selection screen for posting date andclearing date are in the correct chronological order/do not overlap.

You can have the program display the reults on screen or you can printthem out. When displaying line items, two lines are displayed per lineitem. Users can choose between a range of different totals. Nowithholding tax amounts are displayed for uncleared invoices. Theindicator "Include invoices not cleared" is only active if you have notspecified a clearing date or clearing period.
If you enter a currency in the "alternative local currency" field, theamounts are output in this currency and not the local currency. Thesystem translates the amounts from the local currency into thealternative local currency on the translation date specified (thesystem date is the default value) and using the exchange rate "M". Thisfacility can be used during the changeover to the euro, if the companycode has already changed over to the euro, but the tax authoritiesstill require tax returns to be made in the previous national currency.

313817Withholding tax reporting revised: RFKQST00