Description Program RFKQSE10 is relevant for Spain only. Program RFKQST10 provides evaluations on sales subject to withholdingtax for reporting to the tax authorities. Sales subject to withholdingtax can be: o Vendor invoices o Downpayments to vendors o Creditmemos from vendors Lists are issued in the same manner as in withholding tax programRFKQST10. The selection criteria and requirements are also the same asin RFKQST10. In order to achieve a meaningful evaluation, it is important that theintervals for the posting date and clearing date given on the selectionscreen agree. If you select the "Fill table for DME" parameter, the output is alsoprepared in DME format or on the official forms sent to the taxauthorities in Spain. The program then deletes all entries that already exist with the sourceindicator F in table QSTRE. The items displayed in the list are thenentered in table QSTRE. DTA files or forms are only created when the following programs are runseparately:
- RPC11XE0 (forms 110, 111, 915) or
- RPC190E0 (forms 190).
These programs read table QSTRE and include all regional features forreporting withholding tax in Spain.Precondition To create withholding tax evaluations as a DME file or as a form, youmust first maintain the following data before running the program: Provincial tax code If you create withholding tax forms in several regions (for example,national reports or reports for the Navarra region), then you mustmaintain the provincial tax code. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFWithholding tax codes Withholding tax codes define how withholding tax is calculated. Theyalso specify in which region the business transaction is to bereported. If you create withholding tax forms in several regions, the appropriateprovincial tax code must be assigned to the withholding tax codes youare using for specific regions. Do not assign a provincial tax code tothe withholding tax code relevant for the national tax return. Only onewithholding tax code can be included on a withholding tax return. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFTypes of recipients for vendors In the master record, you must allocate a type of recipient to eachvendor. The types of recipients result from the combination of recipient codesfor all regions for which a withholding tax return should be created.You assign the recipient code to the types of recipients by using theprovincial tax code of the withholding tax code. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFRecipient code for the withholding tax return For each regional form to be generated, you must define thecorresponding recipient code for each type of recipient. The region andthe provincial tax code must be specified with a blank character forthe national tax form. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFCountry key for withholding tax A country key for the withholding tax in the master record must beallocated to each foreign vendor. Valid country keys must be defined according to the specifications ofthe tax authorities. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFPersonnel areas You must define at least one personnel area in table T500P. Eachpersonnel area is allocated to a company code. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFPersonnel areas/Personnel subareas You must maintain the following views:
- Personnel areas/Personnel subareas
At least one personnel subarea must be assigned to each personnel area.If several regional returns are to be created for a company code, youhave to create a personnel subarea for each return. Example A company code must create both a national withholding tax return and areturn for businesses in the Navarra region. In this instance, you haveto create two personnel subareas and assign them to the personnel area. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF
- Personnel subarea grouping for legal entities
A legal entity must be assigned to each personnel subarea. The taxnumber and the company address, for example, are determined using thelegal entity. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF The region of the tax office (provincial tax code) must be assigned toeach personnel subarea in view V_5E01_C. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFDefining the tax offices In table T5EDH, you must maintain the names of all the tax offices forwhich a withholding tax return is created. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFCompany/legal entity tax-relevant data In table T5E02, you have to define, for example, the tax number and thetax office for each legal entity. IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFAddress of the company/legal entity In table T536A, you have to store the address of the company which isused on the withholding tax return. The address type you use is '/E'. The name of the legal entity is to be entered as an argument. Maintain data for the following text IDs: 1,,Company or area name 2,,Street abbreviation (CL for street) 3,,Street name 4,,House number 5,,Letter 6,,Stairwell 7,,Floor 8,,Door 9,,Postal code A,,City B,,Region IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIFPayee key for taxes (Spain) In table T5E41, you have to maintain recipient codes for each region(provincial tax code). The recipient codes for the national withholdingtax return are defined under region "99". IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN' Proceed> ENDIF