SAP Program RFKOPR10_NACC - OI Analysis of Vendors by Balance of Overdue Items

This report allows you to select and analyze open items for vendorswhose overdue items exceed an amount to be defined by you.
If you do not want to make a selection with regard to the balance ofoverdue items, you should check whether you can use the report forvendor evaluation with OI list (RFKOPR00) instead. This alternativereport offers you almost the same options with regard to the daysoverdue analysis, but has better runtime.


The report serves to identify as precisely as possible those vendors whorequire intensified credit monitoring due to considerable arrears.
The following criteria are provided:

  • The current data from the master database, such as the current account
  • balance and special general ledger balances.
    As well as analyzing payment payment history, the report also analyzes avendor's open items. Here, the selected items are structured inaccordance with a period pattern defined by the user and are then outputby the business area.
    The default investigation criterion is:
    Number of days due items are overdue
    • Analysis type = Ovd

    • Calculation: Days in arrears = Key date - Net due date

    • Example: Open items analysis

      • Document date 01 April 1993

      • Baseline date for payment 05 April 1993

      • Payment condition 1 8 days / 5%

      • Payment condition 2 14 days / 2%

      • Payment condition net 21 days /

      • Key date: 14 May 1993

      • Net due date of the item:
        (Baseline date for payment + net days)
        Sorted list:
        (*) indicates the sorted list total column in which theabove-mentioned sample item is entered with the various report types.
        Days overdue (Ovd)
        (Key date - net due date)
        14 May 1993 - 26 April 1993 = 18 days
        ! 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 !
        ! ! from 1 ! from 11 ! from 21 ! from 31 ! from 41 !
        !to 0 ! to 10! to 20 ! to 30 ! to 40 ! !
        Note on column 1:
        Item is open, but is not due
        Note on column 6:
        Item is 41 or more days overdue.

        With analysis type Ovd, the time axis displays in the past (analysis ofoverdue items).
        With summarization level "0", only overdue open items are output.
        If you want to avoid outputting vendor master data information with nooverdue items, you have the option of suppressing the value zero as anoutput value for overdue items balances.