Title Consistency check for transactions in IS-U. Purpose The settings for transactions are checked for consistency. The reportdisplays a list of transactions that have been maintained incorrectly.The user can call up a long text for each check by simply clicking onthe short text (wherever the mouse appears as a hot spot). The long text explains what the error is and how to correct it. Integration The report is integrated in transaction maintenance. It can, however,be executed directly and should be called up regularly, especially whenchanges have been made to settings for transactions. Example
- You want to allocate an (external) transaction to an internal
transaction. The report checks if the external transaction is defined.
- A transaction with
H> as statistics indicator is defined in the company code 001>, division 01>. The report checks if the same transaction has H> as statisticsindicator in other company codes and divisions. If the transaction was allocated to an internal transaction, the reportchecks if the valuet H> is permitted for an allocation. In thisexample the internal transaction must be a request for a cash securitydeposit, as the statistics indicator is reserved for this transaction.