SAP Program RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER_DELETE - Deletion of Deactivated Parameters for Mass Activity Runs

Deletion of Parameters for Parallel Execution of Programs

When you run processes in parallel in Contract Accounts Receivable andPayable, the system creates parameter records for each run, and savesthem under the run ID. Using theHide Parameter Records report,you can exclude these parameter records from being accessed in the inputhelp. If you have excluded these parameter records from being accessedonce, then you should delete them from the database. You use thiscurrent report for deleting these records.
Deletion of specific data of a mass activity
In the standard system, the program only deletes entries from thefollowing tables of the framework for mass activities:






  • RFDT

  • If you want to delete more data in addition, define event1792. To delete the additional data, set theUse Event 1792 indicator in the initial screen before startingthe program.
    You can use this report for all mass activities of Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable.

    The following conditions must be fulfilled before you can delete theparameter records of a run:

    • You processed the run using the Hide
    • Parameter Records report.
      • The run date of the run is earlier or the same as the to-date entered.
      • Integration
        You hide run parameters using theHide Mass Activity Runs report.On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Periodic Processing ->Administration of Mass Processing -> Delete Parameter Records.

        You want to delete all parameter records that are older than one yearfrom the database. Follow these steps:
        As the To-Date, enter .
        Run the report.
        After the report is run, the entries are no longer on the database.