trados = fiPurpose Automatic installation of the enhancement Broker>Integration After you have installed the enhancement, the Broker> field isvisible in the business partner items of the document. The followingfunctions are supported for this field:
- Additional specification for document entry, document change, and
document display
- Selection characteristic for the account balance
- Selection characteristic for the account maintenance
- Selection characteristic in payment lot
Features For the document table DFKKOP> and the transfer structureBFKKOP>, the report checks the installation-specific enhancements CI_FKKOP> and CI_BFKKOP> to determine whether the BROKR > field (broker) has already been inserted by means of the enhancementstructure FKK_ENH_BROKR>. For table DFKKOP>, the report checks whether an index has beencreated with the fields MANDT>, BROKR>, and AUGST>. In an update run (the indicator Only Check Enhancement> is notset), the report adds to existing structures if necessary, createsmissing structures, and creates an index for the fields named if onedoes not exist already. For new objects, in an entry dialog the system requests the requiredpackage. Local objects are not permitted here. In a further dialog boxyou have to specify or create the correction request where all new andchanged objects are to be included.Note Deactivation of the >Broker> Field> You can deactivate the field again but only manually. To do this, youhave to remove the field BROKR> from the CI includes to which itwas added. You then have to convert the database tables. If lots of datarecords are affected, the conversion can take a long time. SAP thereforerecommends that you weigh-up the activation of the field and then adhereto this decision.Output List of the activities carried out or to be carried out.