trados = fiPurpose This program exports entries from tables with reduced data *_SHORT> to a selected object for the government tax audit.Integration See the documentation for FPDE_EXP>,FPDEP_EXP>, orFPDEC_EXP>.Prerequisites The tables with the reduced data *_SHORT must be filled via the importof data extracts (see Integration). Selection The data is selected by due date, fiscal year, posting date, companycode, and business partner (not all objects use all fields). Output Several output formats are possible (see Output Format >). Only those data records and fields that correspond to the selectedlayout are exported. You can define a layout in transactionFPSELP1 >.Further_hints To fulfill the German Principles of Data Access and Verifiability ofDigital Documentation (GdPdU), in addition to the standard authorizationchecks (company code and business area), you can also use the report tocarry out authorization checks for the auditor. The control data forthese checks is in tables TPCPROG, TPCUSERN , and TPCDATEN . In table TPCPROG you can activate the checks for programRFKK_DOC_EXTR_EXTR. |