trados = docu -> fi -> ficaPurpose The report creates an FI-CA document extract and exports this as textfile. Integration In Germany, auditors must have access to all document posted in the last10 years as part of the German Tax Reduction Act. In Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable, all documents are therefore stored in short formin tables DFKKKO_SHORT>, DFKKOP_SHORT>, andDFKKOPK_SHORT>. If you also want to select the related SDdocuments, these are stored in tables FKK_KONV_SHORT>,FKK_VBPA_SHORT>,FKK_VBRK_SHORT>, and FKK_VBRP_SHORT>. You can use the following transactions to manage these tables:
- FPDE_EXP>: Export extract (reduced documents) to a file
Export of document extract (reduced documents) from anarchive file to a file
- FPDE_IMP>: Import document
- FPDE_EXTR>: Export document
extract (reduced documents from DFKK*_SHORT) forfurther analysis purposes (audit)
- FPDE>: Overview of imported extracts
- FPDE_DEL>: Deletion of imported extracts
Selection You can select the documents by posting date and company code. Theposting data must be in a closed period. Output CSV for SAP Import The report generates a file with an extract from the documents selected.The file consists of several records; each record is displayed in aline. The fields are separated by semicolon (;). For the amount field,the currency is also displayed in parentheses. The following record types are used:
- 00 Fields for each record type used
- EH Extract header, once per file
- BH Document header, once per document
- BP Business partner item of document
- GL General ledger item of document
- SH SD billing document header
- SP SD billing document items
- SB SD billing document partner data
- SC SD billing document price conditions
You can import data in this format to an FI-CA evaluation system ( FPDE_IMP).SAP Audit Format In the SAP Audit Format, the file contains a data description in thefirst eight lines. This format can be imported directly to IDEA. Foreach table exported, a separate file is created. The file names arecreated from the record types described above. Hinweis The report selects the fields of the structuresFKKKO_SHORT_IN> (DFKKKO>),FKKOP_SHORT_IN> (DFKKOP>), andFKKOPK_SHORT_IN> (DFKKOPK>). If you require additional fields, enhance these structures. The fieldsare then copied from the structure FKK*_SHORT_IN to the structuresFKK*_SHORT. In these structures you have to enter the same fields asin FKK*_SHORT_IN. You can also enter other fields that are not intables DFKKKO>, DFKKOP>, or DFKKOPK>.These fields must be filled in event9551. All of the fields of structures FKK*_SHORT are output in a file. For SD documents proceed in the same way. Here the structures areFKK_*_SHORT_IN> and FKK_*_SHORT_OUT>,whereby * can represent VBRK>, VBRP>,VBPA>, or KONV>. The event is 9554.