trados = fiPurpose You can use this program to
- Display the subscriptions for a business partner or a receiver system
- Create a new subscription
- Delete an existing subscription
From a technical point of view, here a subscription is an entry in tableDFKKREGOBJ>. The system needs subscriptions to save data in an information container(type 0002) when you are posting clearing and clearing resets. Fromthese information containers, using the Forward Information>transaction (FPINFCO1>) in the SAP menu under PeriodicProcessing -> Transfer Data -> Information Container>, you can send XImessages of the service ContractAccountReceivablesPayablesRegisterERPSubscribedItemBulkNotification_Out> to therespective business systems. This program is intended for test purposes and for manual correction oferrors. The RFKK_CARPRSUBSCRRQ_TEST> test program also uses it asa display report.Integration In productive operations, you create or delete subscriptions using theservice ContractAccountReceivablesPayablesRegisterERPRefe renceSubscriptionRequest_In>. This program provides fewer options for creating or deletingsubscriptions than the above-mentioned service. In particular, youcannot create subscriptions by specifying an external business partnernumber.Selection To display subscriptions, specify either a business partner and/or abusiness system. (The other input fields will be ignored.) To create or delete subscriptions, specify the following:
- Business partner
- Object type
- Key
- Business system
The program does not check whether the business partner specified existsin the system. The program does not check whether the object referenced by thespecification of the object type and key exists in the system. Using the Check Date Lower Limit> field,you can also create entries containing the current date as check date.(As standard a date in the future is selected.) This is useful if youwant to test the report for deleting obsolete subscriptions (transactionFP_REG_DEL>).Output The system displays a list of the existing table entries. If you run the Create Entry> function for an existing table entry,only the check date and the date of the last change are updated. You do not receive a message about whether the system has actuallycreated or deleted an entry when you select the functions CreateEntry> or Delete Entry>.Example You want to report the clearing of receivables for business partner BP1from document 4711 to the system DEV_100. To do this you create asubscription with the following values:
- Business Partner (BP1)
- Object Type ,,03
- Key,,4711
- Business System DEV_100
The system displays an entry with the key 000000004711.