SAP Program RFKK_COMMTAX_UPD - Update of Audit File in External System for Telecommunications Tax

You use this report to update external tax systems fortelecommunications tax. Based on the data of these external systems, youcreate the monthly tax reports.

The update of the external tax system takes place regularly when youpost documents that contain telecommunications tax. An RFC call to theexternal system is required for this update. If this call fails, forinstance because the called system is temporarily unavailable, then thedata is parked for an update at a later time. This parked data isprocessed by this program.

The report updates all parked documents in the external tax system. Ifthe update is carried out successfully, then the parking is deleted.Otherwise the parking remains in effect and you can start the updateagain at a later point in time.

Except for test cases, you do not have to make any selections. If thereis a large number of parked documents, it can be useful to start thereport more than once in parallel. In that case, choose the subareas sothat the area 000-999 is covered without gaps and without overlapping byall of the reports started.

The report outputs only statistics on how many parked documents wereprocessed successfully and how many were not.

You start the report 4 times in parallel. Then enter the subarea 000-249for the first report, and for the other three reports enter the areas250-499, 500-749 und 750-999.