SAP Program RFKK_CCUPD_MDGRP_MAINT - Process Update Run for Collection Strategies

Using this report you can process an update run in the context ofCollections Management that changed the collection strategy of theselected master data objects.
You can display the log of the update run
If there is an error log, you can process it and run the update runagain or add to the update run.
If there is a success log, you can process it and reverse the updaterun. In that case, all strategy replacements are reversed.

You created an update run on the SAP Easy Access screen under
Periodic Processing -> For Contract Accounts -> Dunning -> By CollectionStrategy -> Update Collection Strategies.

For identification, you can enter the description or the execution dateof the update run. Use the input help.

The log first shows an overview of the strategy replacements. In thedetail view, you can display the replacements for each master data(group).